All baptised faithful are called to God’s Mission

All laity are directed to serving and Evangisling the world. This begins with acknowledging God as the creator and giver of all and responding with generosity and the responsible management of our resources.

Our Ministries

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we choose to be caretakers of all God has given to us. Gratitude for these gifts and blessings is expressed in prayer, worship, offering and sharing our gifts out of love for God and one another. 

It makes us more like Christ who came not to be served, but to serve. It is the humble awareness that all we have and all we are has been given to us freely from God.


Ensures proper catechetical instruction of adults, youth, and children. Parishioners receive training and maintain close liaison with the local deanery and diocesan catechetical structures

Marriage and Family

Seeks to safeguard the sanctity of the marriage and to strengthen the family unit


Several programs carrying out works of charity for the benefit of the needy and the vulnerable. These take the form of welfare, human development, and emergency relief activities. The Catholic Woman League, St. Vincent de Paul and Knights of Da Gama are three active organisations affiliated to the Parish 


Shelps the parish with the administration of its temporal goods and resources

Rosary Group

A dedicated group that meets every Saturday at the Parish


Creates a genuine sense of community and a spirit of solidarity and belonging is built up among parish members


Ensures the physical preservation and operational function of the buildings and its infrastructure

Litergy (incl. music)

Ensures appropriate liturgies are in place in the parish in accordance with the directives issued


Functions to serve and maintain pastoral care for the young people of the parish for the youth and young adults


Is a program that aligns the Parish’s with and implements the Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace 

Renew Africa

Is a Diocese led seasonal program. Each season has a Theme and small communities meet weekly guided by the Theme. The small communities are set according to residential areas. It’s building a strong St Pius Community through small Christian communities

Justice and Peace

Ceates the awareness of social issues in the light of the Church’s social teachings and provides formation programmes to assist the parish in reaching out to the disadvantages and marginalised members of the society

Communications Committee

Oversees all aspects of Parish digital communication relating to its activities, news, developments, and content. It also serves to relay any important or significant information from a Diocese, SACBC, International and Papal level